4 Quotes & Sayings By Grace Lozada

Grace Lozada is the author of numerous books, including The Diary of a Fat Girl, published by Simon and Schuster. Her memoirs chronicling her struggles with weight and body image have been featured in numerous national news outlets. She has appeared on cable television shows such as Dr. Phil, The Today Show, and Good Morning America Read more

She is also the founder of Body Love Revolution, an online community created to support and empower people with body image issues.

He was everything I never knew I was looking for. Grace Lozada
When I was sixteen, there was no one to count on but myself. Everyone in my family was taking care of themselves, surviving, but everyone forgot I was sixteen years old. I had never felt so lost and so alone in my life. Grace Lozada
Once again, I felt as I needed to flee or I’d die. That was how my life was panning out. Grace Lozada